Recruitment News

How should you write a CV in 2023?

August 22, 2023

Do CVs really change that much? How many ways can you write a CV, after all? Surely, as long as I put all my previous jobs in it, you’ll be fine. Right? You might not be aware, but what employers look for in a good CV changes all the time.…

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UK Wage growth hits a record high, despite a slower jobs market

July 20, 2023

Despite a lot of fear mongering these past few months, the UK jobs market has continued to defy expectations. More and more people are looking for jobs in a shrinking market. In the UK, there were roughly 1.05 million open positions in the three months leading up to May 2023,…

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Help! Is my job going to be replaced by A.I?

June 20, 2023

"The robots are coming! The robots are coming!" Yes, it looks like the day has finally arrived. Artificial intelligence, AI, has finally evolved and is coming for everyone's livelihoods. At least, that's what the latest cascade of news articles would have us believe. You don't have to look very long…

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Is it safe to change jobs right now?

April 14, 2023

There has been a lot of doom and gloom circulated in the press recently regarding the economy, but it looks like the clouds are parting, and sunshine might finally be streaming through.  That’s not only because it’s spring; the latest outlook is that the UK will avoid a recession and…

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Recruiting successfully in 2023

February 15, 2023

If you are trying to hire at the moment, then you will probably be experiencing some difficulty with finding suitable candidates for your job vacancies! Against a backdrop of negativity about the UK's economic growth prospects and the ongoing cost of living crisis biting into people’s pockets, it's not surprising…

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2023 – A busy year for employment law changes

January 17, 2023

Now that we have been back in the office for a couple of weeks and have well and truly blown off the post-Christmas cobwebs, it’s time to give you a taster of some of the proposed (and confirmed) employment law changes, that may have some bearing on your recruitment activities.…

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Unsure about looking for a new job in 2023?

January 11, 2023

With the UK job market on the rise, now’s the best time to search for a new job. Whether you're an experienced professional looking for a career change, or a recent graduate just starting out, it's essential that you keep up with the current trends and skills in demand. This…

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Autumn Review 2022

November 10, 2022

With all the negative headlines at the moment surrounding the economy, the cost-of-living crisis, interest rates and global supply chains, you would be forgiven for thinking that all of the green shoots of growth that we were starting to see earlier this year, have been dramatically cut down. We take…

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The rise of the Chief Remote Officer

November 9, 2022

The increase in ‘Working from home’ over the past few years, has led to the creation of a new job role – ‘Chief Remote Working Officer’. In October 2022, over 100 UK companies were advertising for someone to oversee hybrid working, which is an increase on 52 jobs advertised in…

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Be found on Linkedin

November 8, 2022

Be found on Linkedin Along with a well written and presented CV, your Linkedin profile is arguably of equal importance when it comes to making a good impression on an prospective employer. Certainly if you don’t already have a Linkedin profile then we would recommend you set one up. It’s…

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Where have all the applicants gone??

October 17, 2022

Given the current economic turmoil, the cost-of-living-crisis and the rise in inflation, it's understandable that people may be thinking twice about moving jobs at the moment. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't! Many employers are now experiencing very low applicant numbers to their job advertisements, which…

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New Digital Right to Work Checks from 1st October 2022

October 3, 2022

Whilst right to work checks for new hires have been a staple within the recruitment sector for almost two decades, there has been a recent change to the law which has gone a little under the radar, but effects all employers. Digital right to work checks are now a requirement…

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