Recruitment News

Employers VS Employees on Working From Home

September 30, 2022

Employers are demanding that staff return to office working, however staff are pushing back as working from home is still important to them. Due to the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, hybrid and remote working became the ‘new normal’ during 2020, and was implemented across the UK job market…

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Will the energy bailout improve business confidence?

September 21, 2022

Will the energy bailout improve business confidence? The new UK Prime Minister, Liz Truss, announced a plan on 8th September to help businesses with the rising energy prices due to come into effect this autumn. Named the Energy Price Guarantee, it aims to cap the amount households and businesses will…

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What’s behind a rise in demand for Temporary Workers?

September 2, 2022

If you’ve taken a walk down the high street recently you might have been struck by the sheer number of signs in shops and offices advertising their many open positions for staff. At first, this might not seem strange. After all, we’re all still dealing with the aftermath of the…

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The impacts of the cost of living crisis on employee mental health

July 12, 2022

Everywhere you turn, it feels like there are signs of the cost of living crisis. In May, UK consumer price inflation soared to 9.1%, the highest it has been in Britain in three decades. Therefore it’s no surprise that the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute has reported an increase…

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What do candidates want?

June 21, 2022

There are many reasons for the lack of candidates on the market at the moment; Brexit, those eligible taking early retirement, and millennials focusing on the gig economy rather than dedicating themselves to one sole position. In this market it is important for employers to reassess their offering to ensure…

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What’s going on in recruitment?

June 20, 2022

You only need to glance at the headlines to know that the UK is suffering an employment crisis. As recruitment experts, we are here to provide our clients with the latest information and decode what it means. Here are the latest significant points of interest to do with the recruitment…

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How to get more done in a day

May 24, 2022

With job descriptions continuously expanding, many of us finding ourselves reaching for more coffee and working longer hours to complete our workload. However, what if we told you there were rules you could follow that could help you achieve more in a day? Read on to find out how to…

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How to handle rejection

May 9, 2022

Getting rejected from a job you’ve applied for can be discouraging. The average adult knows that rejection is a part of life, including the employment journey. Yet not everyone knows how to effectively leverage the experience of rejection to boost their employment chances during future job application processes. Fortunately, there…

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How to work from home without burning out

April 28, 2022

Due to the rise in hybrid working and working from home roles over the past two years, employees are finding it increasingly difficult to fully disconnect from work when it is time to clock off. With bedrooms doubling as office space, it can be difficult to distinguish that line between…

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Why you should set long-term career goals

April 22, 2022

The pandemic has not only transformed the way we work, but also how we want to work. For many, this new approach includes an increased desire for a sense of purpose and meaning beyond financial gain and practical concerns. Greater expectations for work flexibility, strong social connections, and a sense…

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How to avoid losing your new employee to a counter offer

April 19, 2022

In today’s tough talent market, it’s becoming common for employers to counter offer workers who have resigned, usually offering a salary increase to encourage them to stay. As the UK faces a talent shortage (the most severe shortage of job candidates since 1997), bidding wars over top candidates are also…

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Now is the time to land your dream job!

April 6, 2022

For many, 2020 signalled the end of thousands of careers, sending many down entirely new roads in order to thrive amid the new normal. If you were among this crowd, you’re in good company, as the Great Resignation reskilled millions of workers, and introduced thousands to new dream roles. The…

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